Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Today, I had two people ask why I have not written any posts since Christmas.

Has it really been that long?! Goodness.

Here's why: I'm fighting some significant fatigue issues these days. John's mom is in a downward spiral with Alzheimer's disease, and my mom continues to decline following multiple strokes, so we have made lots and lots of trips back to Wisconsin. So many, in fact, that many of the flight attendants on the Delta non stop from Portland into Minneapolis seem familiar to me. The combination of stress and travel have taken their toll on my energy levels, especially coming on the heels of a couple major holidays. So I have moved Reasonably Well a little lower on the priority scale, so sorry about that.

We all know that it is impossible to predict when a fatigue flare will end, so until I climb back up out of this energy black hole, I'll probably continue to post less frequently than I have in the past. I'll try my best to put important stuff or really great stuff up whenever I can.


If by some miracle, I work my way up on the 900 person waiting list and actually get to attend a GOAT YOGA CLASS; then I will post immediately. Instantly. With pictures.

My friend Karen, who brought this amazing class to my attention, says she suspects that I would focus far more on the adorable baby goats than the yoga exercises and she's absolutely right. You can read more about this awesome class here.


Linda said...

Thanks Julia, I needed that! We are dealing with Alzheimer's (my dad), and strokes (my mother in law) on top of life as well, so I know how hard it is. Thank you so much for taking the time to make me smile today.😊

Marion said...

Life is what happens when we are making other plans. Just keep on keeping on. One day at a time. Keep on keeping on.

Anonymous said...

Howdy Back At Ya,

Prayers for all concerned, prayers for engery, and prayers that your name moves up the list faster than you think. I want to see these pictures.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Julia. You're in my prayers for healing comfort and peace. Thank you for letting us know what's going on. Take good care of yourself.

Nicole said...

I'm glad to hear from you! I was starting to worry a little. Get your rest and hope that things smooth out soon. hugs!

Liz J said...

Oh my gosh!!!! I want to go to that yoga class!!! That looks like a blast. So very sorry for your fatigue, it is really the pits when you have so much to do and have no idea how long it will last...always, too long. I understand the parent issue hard. My prayers and good wishes are with you all. (We worry about you when we don't hear from you :)

Amy Junod said...

Only makes me need a goat even more. This isn't in the "want" category. It's clearly on my need list. Actually, I own 1/5th of a goat through the Heifer Foundation. I thought that it would calm down my goat need, knowing that someone on the other side of the globe needed my goat. My 1/5th goat was helping to change lives rather than just having my face smushed in it's fur and being told what a good goat it was. (Who's Mommy's good goat? YOU are!)

I'm very sorry to hear of your parents' health declines. It must be very hard to have miles in between you. It rocks my world when my Mom is ill and we live in the same area.

As you mentioned in a previous post, fatigue is SO VERY understudied in the SS medical community. There is just nothing short of something illegal to get the pep back.

Until the storm settles we Sjoggies will continue to check in on you to see if you've written us a tidbit or two. Nixie says she loves you and if you need her, she fits nicely in one of those "if it fits, it ships" boxes.

