Sunday, January 4, 2015

It's a New Year's Miracle

Guys. It's the most amazing thing.

Are ya'll ready for this? So we all went out for ribs yesterday. Yummy tender bbq sauce dripping baby back ribs.

And, dumb stupid me wore a pristine white sweater. Yeah. Not smart for Goober Queen here. So I draped myself with all the napkins I could find and hoped for the best.

*cue celestial choirs singing Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*

Ladies and gentelmen, I give you: one spotless white sweater and an only slightly goobered napkins.
Here's the indisputable evidence:

What? You don't believe me? I give you permission this ONE TIME to ask Terese. She'll tell ya.


Anonymous said...

Ok, JULIA was goober free, but the people around her....a blood bath.


ShEiLa said...

That would be a miracle for me as well.

I can hardly get by any meal without dropping some morsel of goo on my chest.
