Monday, September 22, 2014


Thank you to whoever put this up on Twitter. I think it speaks for itself...


Nicole said...

Yes, I do sleep to much, I take too many medications, and I AM waaaaayyyy too young for this. I'm also trying to figure out long-term care and disability insurance before I've even gotten started in my career. It's really hard to keep up with healthy people, but I have to or I will live in poverty. So, yeah, I am stressed. Thanks for trying to help. Want to drive me to to a medical test next week 'cause I'm going to be too sick to drive home? But I'm really glad that I look good! Seriously, a girl needs all the help she can get. ;D

Anonymous said...

Oh my, this is so very true! I think most of us could win "blackout" bingo because we have received all of the comments regarding our health!

AnnaDe said...

This just made me cry.

annie said...

Could one cry and laugh at the same time? Funny and tragic all at the same time, unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I am a WINNER at Bingo!
(winning the lottery would be heaps
more fun!


Anonymous said...

My beloved suffers with M.E.and so I suffer with her.It's no fun for me and way less for her!.

She is a wonderful intelligent, caring, compassionate and creative person left unable to express the fulness of her being by this dreadful condition.
