Monday, October 7, 2013

"Her Diamonds" speaks to autoimmune disease.

 The link to this moving video was sent to me by Robin:

I just discovered that the Rob Thomas song, " Her Diamonds", is based on his wife's struggle with autoimmune disease.  It is an amazing song and an awesome video.  I wonder if anyone else knew about this, the song is a few years old.  It really captures the frustration of both the wife and husband as they deal with the pain, fatigue and other issues of autoimmune. The opening verse starts with:
"Oh what the hell she says 
I just can't win for losing 
And she lays back down."      

I've always liked his music and now I have yet another reason  - He seems to really get it.

Wow. Powerful stuff. Thanks for sending it along, Robin.

 You can read more about the meaning behind Thomas' lyrics here.



Amy Junod said...

Great catch Robin. What a great story. I love the video too.
My hubby found it comforting to sit with other "supportive loved ones" at our local Sjogren's Support Group luncheon. They all had such similar concerns and worries, their own feeling of helplessness. I sometimes forget that they're in the battle too.

LM said...

Yes. An 'anthem' for us all.
I listen to it often. Another one I really like that speaks to me is "Strong enough" by Matthew West.

Check it out. Some days it really helps me to listen and have a good cry, then get on with life!!!!

Anonymous said...

I knew about the song and the meaning of the lyrics, but I had never seen the video - powerful!! I, too, have always loved his music. This song has been on my ipod for a long time.

Anonymous said...

LM - love Stronger, and also Hurricate by Natalie Grant and Overcomer by Mandisa. All great songs. Music is a wonderful distraction on those bad days.

LM said...

Thanks Vickie. I'll check those others out. Yes, music is a great outlet and distraction!

Anonymous said...

I know that I am not strong enough to do this alone.
However, little gems that you pass along like this song help me to release the sadness bottled up that I rarely show anyone and then step out of that self pity. I know in the morning during my swim I will think how wonderful I feel at that moment and that lightness of body and mind will propel me for a few more hours that day until my diamonds fall in the afternoon. Every day there is something to be thankful for and it is so easy to forget that life is good in spite of what our autoimmune disease takes from us each day.
I think I will pass this song on to my family.
thanks so much !

Christine said...

I have been listening to this song for years and I love it.
