Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Neutrophils are Amazing

Take a look at this:

See that? It's an AWESOME electron microscope picture of an actual neutrophil devouring a nasty anthrax bacteria. Phagocytosis is a wonderful thing.

More. I want more neutrophils, people. Just like this one....minus the anthrax. I'm guessing a million or so should do it. By Thursday, which is when my next labs will be drawn.


Heda said...

Fingers and everything else crossed for Thursday.

Amy Junod said...

Until then I'm wishing you healing white light and peace.

Anonymous said...

Sending positive vibes to your neutrophils. Perhaps you could talk kindly to them, like they say helps plants?

annie said...

Sending good healing thoughts your way for Thursday. Good luck.

Shara from Seattle said...

Just go straight to the Healer Himself-Jesus.

Those things look so cool. I imagine a lot of scientists are looking to develop something, a shot or an infusion to correct this dilemma.

May God bless you Julia.

Luciana DeVito said...

How neat. Thanks for this. How serendipitous that I would check your latest posts and find this. The fine needle biopsy on my lymph node showed 'rare neutrophils' being the curious gal that I am I researched and found they are the first line of defense of white blood cells, often attacking the bad guys within hours of us catching something......the commandos I call them :)

Miki said...

Sending some your way!!! ;)
