Friday, May 24, 2013

Cue the Alleluia Chorus


My white blood cell count is perfectly within normal range today.


I had my labs drawn yesterday at 8:30am and by 6:30pm, still had no results, which left me fretting like crazy.

I was also a bit miffed at Dr. Young Guy because he had promised me that he would let me know. But just as I was ready to write a post wah wah wah-ing about it all.....I got the great news.

Jumping and frisking and all sorts of silliness commenced. Which left me completely exhausted. But worth every second.

I. Will. Never. Take. My. Neutrophils. For. Granted. Ever. Again.

So the question remains: was this little incident from the rituximab? Was last month's train-ful of mousies the last to arrive at Julia station? And why do I still feel weak and crappy even though my WBC is normal?

Dr. YG and I will discuss this further. But for today.....



Sue said...

That is really good news.

Anonymous said...

Yippy Skippy! So happy to hear the news, thanks for sharing. Celebrate the weekend, and worry about the rest next week. One day at a time, as we all say! :)

Jan said...

Congratulations! Great news! Now have a fun Memorial Day weekend!

Gill said...

Have you looked at diet and the types of food you eat? I got an odd blood test result a couple of months ago, I looked up what might effect it - just about EVERYTHING I ate, I cut down on the healthy food and ate junk for a fortnight - blood test came back normal. Who says junk food is bad for you?

Miki said...

Great news! Enjoy your weekend!
