Sunday, November 13, 2011

Two Unrelated Things

Amazingly awesome kitchen sign found here

First: As of last week, Reasonably Well has had 200,000+ visitors! That's a lot of sjoggies!

Secondly: I have been seeing this sign around in various stores and it really tickled my funny bone:

 A Countless number of people have eaten in my kitchen and have gone on to lead completely normal lives.

Ha! Wish I would have snapped a picture.

Happy Sunday, everyone.


Laura said...

A Countless number of people have eaten in my kitchen and have gone on to lead completely normal lives.

...I'm not sure I want to eat in your kitchen, now. I mean, a normal life? Eeek! I like weird. :)

Amy Junod said...

The lucky ones have gotten to eat your pies!
