Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mocha Memories

Thirteen years ago, several moms invited me to join them for a mocha at a local coffee shop. We all had several things in common - kids in the same school who were involved in several activities together, and we all lived within about five miles of each other.

Over steaming cups of coffee, we laughed and talked for two hours, and decided that we needed to repeat this delightful experience routinely. And so the Mocha Monday group began. For years and years, we all collected in our local coffee shop every Monday morning.

After thirteen years, our group has changed. The kids have grown up and moved on to adult lives. Tragically, one of our group succumbed to a vicious metastatic breast cancer. But those of us who are able gather together about four or five times a year to catch up with each other and  reconnect, and today was one of those very lovely times.

We met at Cheryl's home for a holiday brunch to visit and exchange Christmas ornaments.

It was a wonderful day. Ahh. Life is so good.


Leslie at SugarAndSpiceADK. said...

Hi Julia--your post brought tears to my eyes--for years and years I met with a fun group of moms at a local coffee shop, each and every Thursday. We LIVED for Thursdays! Sadly, I've moved all the way across the country, and haven't found women who like to do the same in my new little town. So, I'll just pour myself a cup of coffee and read your blog! Thanks for being here!

Julia Oleinik said...

Hi Lesie!

Oh, gosh! I wish that you and I could have our own little coffee club......and any other sjoggies that would want to join us! Maybe we could have an online mocha club.
